tremolo, Stallion, all adjustable saddles, mat chrome
tremolo, Stallion, all adjustable saddles, mat black
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, steel block
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, solid steel block
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, nickel
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, chrome
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, black
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, gold
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, nickel satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, chrome satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, black satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,8mm, gold satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, nickel
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, chrome
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, black
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, gold
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, nickel satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, chrome satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, black satin
tremolo 2-point, pitch 10,5mm, gold satin
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, nickel
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, chrome
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, black
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, gold
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, steel block, nickel
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, steel block, chrome
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, steel block, black
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, steel block, gold
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, nickel
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, chrome
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, gold
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, zinc block, black
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, solid steel block, nickel
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, solid steel block, chrome
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, solid steel block, gold
tremolo, pitch 10,8mm, with screws, solid steel block, black