La Bella Multi-Size Guitars string set octave guitar, 400mm scale, clear nylon trebles & silverplated basses
La Bella Multi-Size Guitars string set requinto guitar, 530mm scale, clear nylon trebles & silverplated basses
La Bella Multi-Size Guitars string set bass guitar 6, 700mm scale, clear nylon trebles & silverplated basses
La Bella Multi-Size Guitars string set contrabass 4, 750mm scale, clear nylon trebles & silverplated basses, plain ends
La Bella World Folk string set balalaika, plain steel, loop ends, 2x008-2x010-2x012
La Bella World Folk string set bouzouki, stainless steel wound, loop ends, 2x010-2x013-010-021W-013-031W
La Bella Acoustic Folk string set Irish bouzouki phosphor bronze wound light
La Bella Acoustic Folk string set Irish bouzouki phosphor bronze wound standard
La Bella Acoustic Folk string set Irish bouzouki phosphor bronze wound heavy
La Bella World Folk string set sitar, plain steel & plain golden alloy, 012-016-009-014G-028G-11x008
La Bella World Folk string set laud, plain steel & silverplated wound, loop ends
La Bella World Folk 6-string set Cuban tres, three courses, plain steel and silk&steel, ball-ends
La Bella World Folk string set requinto guitar, black nylon trebles and silver-plated wound basses
La Bella World Folk string set bajo quinto, loop ends, 2x023-2x036-2x046-062-030-078-036
La Bella World Folk string set bajo sexto, loop ends, 2x023-2x036-2x046-062-030-078-036-092-046
La Bella World Folk string set bandurria, silverplated wound, loop ends, 2x010-2x014-2x019W-2x023W-2x030W-2x035W
La Bella World Folk string set charangon, plain nylon, 019-019 028-028 033-020 024-024 030-030
La Bella World Folk string set oud, clear nylon & silverplated wound, 022-022 028-028 025W-025W 030W-030W 034W-034W 042
La Bella World Folk string set oud Arabic tuning, silverplated wound nylon, 2x022-2x023W-2x027-2x034W-2x031-2x033W
La Bella Lap Steel Guitar string set pure nickel, 6-string C6-tuning 15-32
Thomastik Infeld Präzision string set for mandola, flatwound, soft
Thomastik Infeld Präzision string set for mandola, flatwound
Thomastik Infeld Präzision 2x E-string for mandola, flatwound
Thomastik Infeld Präzision 2x A-string for mandola, flatwound
Thomastik Infeld Präzision 2x D-string for mandola, flatwound
Thomastik Infeld Präzision 2x G-string for mandola, flatwound
Thomastik Infeld string set for oud, consists of TH-310, TH-311, TH-312, TH-313 and TH-314 strings
Thomastik Infeld string set for oud, consists of TH-310, TH-311, TH-317, TH-313 and TH-314 strings
Thomastik Infeld string set for oud, consists of TH-310, TH-311, TH-317, TH-313, TH-314, and TH-316 strings
Thomastik Infeld 2x oud string "::", nylon
Thomastik Infeld 2x oud string "V", synthetic core, silverplated
Thomastik Infeld 2x oud string "::: ", synthetic core, silverplated
Thomastik Infeld string set for bouzouki, 6 strings
Thomastik Infeld string set for bouzouki, 8 strings
Thomastik Infeld Vienna Sound string set for schrammel guitar, 7 strings, roundwound
Thomastik Infeld string set for lute, consists of TH-180, TH-181, TH-182, TH-183 and TH-184 strings
Thomastik Infeld 2x lute string "I"
Thomastik Infeld 2x lute string "III", also for mandoloncello
Pirastro kamancheh E string, ball end
Pirastro kamancheh A string
Pirastro kamancheh D string
Pirastro kamancheh G string